Location Lookup

Selected coordinates

click map

Hovered coordinates

hover map


click map


click map

Nearest address

click map

Current time

click map

Sunrise / Sunset / Daylight time

click map

Units of measurement

Location Lookup is the right tool to explore the globe and retrieve interesting values from selected positions. You can look-up nearest addresses by coordinates (reverse geocoding), measure distances and elevations using different units, view local time and timezone, sunrise, sunset and daylight.

Also several coordinate systems are supported like Latitude / Longitude (WGS84), Degrees / Minutes / Seconds (DMS) and the Dutch 'Rijksdriehoekstelsel' (RD).


  • Click the map to (re)place a marker
  • Hover the map to view coordinates and distance
  • Select other distance- and elevation units or coordinate system through the drop downs

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